Veteran Owned Business Certification

Connecticut SBA™ enables business owners to give purchasing managers, contractors, lenders, customers, and others business partners evidence their company is owned by one of more veterans1 and is registered with Veteran Owned Business Certification. Veteran business owners are receiving more opportunities from government and Corporate America; greater visibility in media; and gaining leadership roles throughout society. Connecticut SBA™ Business Certification verifies the certification status of up to 2.8 million Connecticut-registered companies and is the most transparent certification offered in the state of Connecticut.

Requirements for Veteran Owned Business Certification1

51% or More of the Ownership Interest in the Company Must Be By a Current or Former Member or Group of Former or Current Members of One or More the Following Service Branches:
  • U.S. Army
  • U.S. Army Reserve
  • Army National Guard of the United States
  • U.S. Marine Corps
  • U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
  • U.S. Navy
  • U.S. Navy Reserve
  • U.S. Air Force
  • U.S. Air Force Reserve
  • Air National Guard of the United States
  • U.S. Coast Guard
  • U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
  • Connecticut Army National Guard
  • Connecticut Air National Guard
  • Connecticut State Guard
Company Must Be Registered in the State of Connecticut.

Reasons for Certification

  • Establish Company Image & Reputation
  • Solicit Community & Peer Recognition
  • Exhibit Company Pride & Honor
  • Publicize Company Ownership Structure
  • Distinguish Oneself from Competitors
  • Network with Supporters of the Military

Certification Package Includes

  • Connecticut SBA™ Certification Number
  • Signed Letters of Certification
  • Certification Certificates
  • Certification Seals & Decals
  • 24-Hour Online Verification
  • 24-Hour Cellular Phone Verification

Connecticut SBA™ Veteran Owned Business Certification does not require audited financial statements; no classroom or course attendance; no minimum years in operation; and no "on-site examination" of your company's office is required. Military veterans have truly earned their rights and privileges of U.S. citizenship and therefore are highly-desired business partners for government and corporations.
Get Certified Today!

24-Hour Cellular Phone Verification

Veteran Owned Business in America

Veteran Owned = 9.1%
Others = 90.9%
Connecticut SBA™
Veteran Owned Business Certification
1. Connecticut SBA™ Terms of Service.